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Writer's pictureLeslie Bevans

42: yourself

Dear Friend,


What is new in your neighborhood? Any bizarre decorations popping up? How do you feel about such things? Do you enjoy Halloween? Do you despise it? Did you trick-or-treat as a kid? Maybe you’re dressing up this year?


This is the 42nd letter of 2024. Thanks for reading! I’m already looking forward to hearing from you about two specific things: Halloween and Kindergarten.


I was thinking about the Halloween party we had in Kindergarten. My mom created my ‘costume.’

In hindsight, I looked like a plump version of Dick Van Dyke’s character in Mary Poppins. But I doubt a ‘chubby chimney sweep’ was what my mom was going for.

Either way, by the time Halloween rolled around, I knew that my kindergarten teacher didn’t like me.

She was a tiny lady with tiny hands and pointy shoes. She reminded me of a sewing needle. Her eyes were swift to pierce. (Perhaps she would like me better now, but then, I barely ever talked… I knew the answers to things but wouldn’t tell her. I’m pretty certain that she thought I was possessed).

I did, however, feel that this woman was a ‘temporary’ in my life which seems like a strange thing for a kid to sense. That was back when teachers often took matters into their own hands. When I wouldn’t talk, she often grabbed my face in her little pointy hand and squeezed, as if the words would then, certainly, come flying out. Poor lady, maybe she didn’t enjoy her job.

The other kindergarten teacher in my class was a kind person, her students spoke Spanish. And though she wasn’t ‘my’ teacher, it was always a better day when she was in charge.


What do you remember about your kindergarten teacher? Their name, how they dressed? Do you remember their voice?


Did your kindergarten have a playground? Did your school day include story time and a nap? Snacks?


Did you celebrate special days in class or together as a school?


I do tend to remember kindergarten teachers.. mine, my brother’s, my kids’ and the amazing souls that taught at the schools where I’ve worked. These people (teachers in general) can open so many doors! They are there to facilitate new things, creativity, imagination, encourage learning, socialization, life skills… to instill care.


What makes a person want to teach such young people?


Four through six year olds… these tiny humans have such a varied handle on the way the world works… on that first day of school, some kindergarteners know how to read and some don’t even know their colors, yet. When teaching a group of little kids, a good teacher will be prepared to present the lesson; repetition is helpful and patience ‘should’ be a given.


Would you be a good kindergarten teacher?


And if you were to teach kindergarten, would you want to celebrate Halloween with your class?

How would you handle holidays in your classroom?

I really do want to know what you think about this topic. Little kids and Halloween, especially. Thoughts?


Frank and I have been taking walks in the neighborhood near where we’ve parked our little trailer home. We’ve seen a wide variety of ‘spooky’ decorations. Little kids live in the neighborhood and are able to see these decorations up close, everyday. What would that have been like for you when you were little?

Though these are Frank’s still photos, the decorated yards present with lots of lights and motion as if the world of decorations now requires animation. Like myself and yourself, animated, alive, real; otherwise, the decorations are what? Pretend? 


It seems to be the contrasts in our lives that ultimately make us who we are. Whether we are trying to or not, we’re ever-changing, learning, growing… and yet, we are who we are. How different are you from the You you were in kindergarten? Aww, what a cute little You!


Thank you for being here to read Tracks by the Post. We are also grateful that you are there in the world to nurture goodness just by being yourself.  Please write and share your thoughts about Kindergarten and Halloween or whatever might be on your mind; we always enjoy hearing from you!


We wish you a happy and healthy week ahead!


Gently Be,

Leslie and Frank


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