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About Beyond the Weakened Thread

written and illustrated by Leslie Bevans ISBN-13:978-0-9906186-0-7 An adventure based on the purpose of kindness. The Queen was a baby before you were born. She was raised on the succulent flowers of corn and the pollen of clover and dandelion fluff, as princess bees always are fed the best stuff... and then, without proper training in the Ways of Bees, well, let's just say, she became demanding and all the bees left her because she was mean. We join this clueless Queen bee on her journey into the Land of Beyond as she flies for the first time and winds up outside the security of her hive and all she's ever known. Natural consequences catch up with her throughout her adventure - and so do creatures of all sorts. Everyone in the Land of Beyond is depending on this seemingly inept Queen bee. Maybe if she learns the Ways of Bees, the bees will return. Until then, the plight of the Queen is the plight of the land and without the bees, the land will perish. First edition (limited, numbered) signature happily included upon request This 7" x 10" book weighs 2 lbs, (63 chapters) 734 pgs, printed and perfect bound in the USA. Illustrations, prose, verse, glossary and map. 

©2025 Leslie Bevans & EgretTracks

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