Dear Friend,
How was your week? What’s new in your world? We hope that this last month of summer gives you plenty of opportunity to eke out some adventure and fun!
What will you do with the rest of your summer?
Hang out with friends?
Enjoy some white water?
Sit beside the sea?
Jump in a lake?
Just breathe?
Have you been outside yet today? What’s it like where you are? It rained here yesterday in Northern California. This morning the air is crisp and fresh.
Well, it’s been a while since I filled you in on our latest plans.
(No, no puppy, yet, just thinking of Winchester).
Ok, first of all, if you’ve been reading these letters since January of 2023, you are aware that, for over a year, we’ve been going back and forth about getting a trailer.
On the one hand, because we do not have a trailer, we have been able to four-wheel drive into some incredible places!
But no matter how beautiful the scenery, if it’s freezing when the sun goes down or a sudden storm pops up, we ask each other why we haven’t pulled the trigger on getting a trailer.
The whole idea of being on the road was to get back to work on what we each do creatively. A big part of Frank’s work draws us to remote places and takes us out into extreme weather on purpose. It’s about getting warm afterwards, keeping the gear dry…
Yes, we could pitch a tent as a short-term solution … but if we are to continue to live and work on the road, dynamic weather and productivity are the main reasons a trailer makes good sense.
What is taking us so long to decide?
Well, we’ve been fortunate to have opportunities to house sit and pet sit, the latter, we especially enjoy! Pet sitting has been our favorite part of 2024, our schedule filled up organically, by word of mouth… (let us know if you need a sitter)!
As Autumn nears, and the days get shorter and outside gets colder, there will be times in between our pet sitting stays … it’s clear to us that in order to remain productive, we will need to get a trailer or get off the road.
There are a lot of options. Single or double axle, pop-out or not, length, weight, age, ready to go or ready to build… we’ve done a ton of research. We have to make this big decision.
What do you think are the most important aspects of good decision making?
It seems that confidence and commitment are key, but isn’t it also important to gather enough information? How do you know when you have enough information to make a good decision?
Is it similar to when an artist decides that a painting is finished? How does the artist know when the painting has said enough?
Friend, how do you deal with decisions and committing? Are you a quick committer or a vacillator? It can get sticky when there are others weighing in on the same decision, and at the same time, it’s really helpful to bounce ideas off of someone else. Communication. The things that are ‘big’ to you might not be ‘big’ to others… how do you arrive at what’s best overall?
We’d love to hear from you about how you’ve made your best big decisions. Please write if you feel like sharing your ideas with us, thank you!
We hope that our trailer-indecisiveness hasn’t caused you to pull all of your hair out, please know that we genuinely appreciate your thoughts and caring prayers as we attempt to make the very best decision(s). And thank you for being here to read Tracks by the Post!
Gently Be,
Leslie and Frank