Dear Friend,
First of all, we hope that all is well with you and yours! We’ve been very concerned about the people and creatures in the frozen eastern United States, and also with those tragically effected by fires in the west. What a heavy year it has already been for the whole world. The weather chaos and wind-whipped fires, so many illnesses to catch and share… (or, hopefully, not).

As you know, Frank and I are paused for the time being on our quest of finding ‘home.’ And, for us, the fires this past week have magnified our priorities … everything can and often does swiftly change and we are grateful for today.
Nature has a way of keeping us in tune.

Hope replenished.

Thank you for reading Tracks by the Post. We join you in sending caring thoughts and hope-filled prayers to every person and creature displaced, injured, cold, sick, scared… it is difficult to know what we can do to help, there are so many in need. But I do know this – an honestly friendly you - just being you - makes the world a better place.
Please write to us and let us know how you’re doing. We always appreciate hearing from you!
May this week be a series of really good days for you and yours!
Gently Be,
Leslie and Frank